Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

The original of below texts etc shall be in Japanese. The English translation is for reference purpose only.


Privacy Policy

Intellex Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") engages in business activities primarily focusing on real estate sales, rentals, and consulting.

Recognizing the importance of protecting personal data and upholding its social responsibility to manage it appropriately, the Company has established the following Privacy Policy, committed to its implementation and maintenance:

1. Basic Policy

  1. To effectively pursue its business objectives, the Company shall acquire, use, and provide personal information in an appropriate manner with clearly defined purposes. Acquired personal information will be strictly used within the scope of these specified purpose, with measures in place to prevent any unauthorized use.
  2. The Company pledges full compliance with pertinent laws, governmental guidelines, and industry norms governing the handling of personal information, including so called "specific personal information", i.e. personal identification numbers.
  3. When outsourcing any portion or the entirety of entrusted personal information, the Company will rigorously vet service providers and individuals to ensure they meet the Company's management standards. Contracts will be established, delineating clear responsibilities and measures for appropriate oversight and management.
  4. Rigorous security measures and precautions shall be implemented to mitigate risks such as data breaches, loss, damage, or destruction of personal information. Immediate corrective actions will be taken whenever necessary.
  5. The Company shall promptly address requests from individuals regarding their entrusted personal information, including disclosure requests of personal information.
  6. A dedicated information desk is made available for addressing complaints, ensuring timely and earnest responses.
  7. Continual review and enhancement of our personal information management system shall be pursued, as we strive for ongoing improvements in our practices.

Further, our personal information management system complies with the Japanese Industrial Standard JISQ15001-2017.

Established: April 1, 2005
Last Revision: April 1, 2022
11F, Totate International Building, 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
President & Representative Director, Seiji Toshinari

Contact Point for Inquiries regarding Personal Information

11F, Totate International Building, 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
Intellex Co., Ltd., Contact Point for Inquiries regarding Personal Information
TEL : 03-5766-7639 FAX : 03-5766-7679
E-MAIL : privacy@intellex.co.jp
Please click here for the Personal Information Desk.

Intellex Co., Ltd. is a PrivacyMark-certified entity that appropriately manages personal information.

Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

In compliance with JIS Q 15001:2017 'Personal information protection management systems – Requirements,' Intellex ("the Company") is committed to ensuring the security of personal information. The Company provides the following information to inform individuals about procedures involved in handling their personal information:

1. Business operator in charge of handling personal information and personal information protection manager

11F, Totate International Building, 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
Personal Information Protection Manager, Business Management Department Manager

2.Purposes of Using Personal Information

When the Company uses personal information obtained directly from individuals for specific purposes.

Whenever the Company acquires personal information directly from individuals for specific purposes, it ensures that appropriate consent is obtained through various means such as consent forms, documents, or confirmation buttons on its website. The data collected through these means serves specific purposes as outlined below. This approach ensures individuals are promptly notified about the use of their personal information, respecting their rights. For further details regarding disclosure please refer to the disclosure section. It should be noted that under exceptional circumstances, partial or full disclosure may not be possible.

Information Collected through Products or Service Usage, Material Requests, and Inquiries

Information Collected: This includes but is not limited to name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, occupation, asset status, contract details, seller's personal identification number (refer to the note below), and transaction history.

  1. Facilitation of contracts concerning real estate transactions such as purchases, sales, brokerage, leasing, and management, along with the provision of related information and services.
  2. Provision of housing history information.
  3. Outsourcing within the necessary scope to achieve the objectives stated in (1 and (2 of this section.
    • Management companies involved in real estate management, etc.
    • Construction companies engaged in repair and interior work for real estate, etc.
    • Real estate survey institutions, etc.
  4. Provision of information on products, services, etc., related to living accommodations associated with the real estate handled by the Company.
  5. Issuance of housing suitability reports by the Renovation Council.
  6. Utilization of the Company's accommodation facilities, restaurants, etc., provision of travel, event services, and information.
  7. Business operations related to various insurance contracts, insurance claim payments, and service provision.
  8. Communication through postal mail, telephone, email, etc., for the provision of products, information, and services as outlined in (1 and (3, including sales and marketing activities (such as surveys requests), customer trend analysis, and research analysis such as product development.
  9. Preparation of payment settlement documents for real estate transfers. (Note: The seller's personal identification number is exclusively used for (9))
  10. Provision of Investor Relations (IR) information.

Information of Business Partners

Information Used: Contact person's name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.

  1. Sales activities related to the provision of the Company's products and services.
  2. Fulfillment of the Company's transactional obligations and communication regarding various matters.

Applicants and Employees Information (including specific personal information, i.e. personal identification numbers):

Information Utilized: Name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, identification documents, personal identification number, family information, etc.

  1. Facilitating of recruitment processes and administrative tasks, including personnel management tasks related to labor, social insurance, taxation, etc.

Note: The Company will promptly cease information provision and services upon individual request.

Personal information not obtained directly from individuals:

Personal information obtained through channels other than directly from the individual, refers to information acquired through alternative means, primarily gathered to meet business requirements often upon the request of the Company's transactional customers. The purposes for using such information is outlined as below:

Information obtained from business partners entrusted to the Intellex Group and related information

  1. Execution of tasks delegated to the Group by its business partners.

Information obtained from public agencies or similar institutions

  1. Utilized for the creation and management of information.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company may disclose personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

  1. With explicit consent from the individual.
  2. When required by law.
  3. In situations where obtaining consent from the individual is challenging but necessary for safeguarding life, body, or property.
  4. When it is particularly crucial for public health improvement or supporting the well-being and proper development of children, and obtaining consent from the individual is difficult.
  5. The Company may provide personal information to national or local government agencies or their authorized representatives to fulfill legal obligations, especially when obtaining consent may hinder the performance of such duties.

4. Entrusting

The Company may entrust all or part of the handling of relevant tasks to a subcontractor within the scope necessary to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes. In doing so, the Company carefully selects subcontractors that meet sufficient standards for protecting personal information and entrusts them with the Company's operations.

5. Security Management

The Company prioritizes the protection of personal information through comprehensive security measures encompassing organizational, human, physical, and technical security control measures.

  • Organizational Management: Establishment of robust security protocols and regulations.
  • Human Management: Responsible handling of data, along with ongoing education on security and compliance.
  • Physical Management: Safeguarding equipment and devices, including password management.
  • Technical Management: Ensuring digital security, using virus protection, access controls, and log management.

The Company implements security protocols across all these domains to strengthen data protection.

6. Sharing Information

Personal information managed by individual companies within the Intellex Group may be shared internally to fulfill objectives and enhance service provision.

  1. Types of Shared Personal Information: This includes but is not limited to name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, occupation, asset status, contract details, transaction history, and any other relevant details necessary to achieve the purposes outlined in section 2, "Purposes of Using Personal Information" above.
  2. Scope of Sharing:
    Information shall only be shared among the following Intellex group companies: INTELLEX Space Plan Co., Ltd.; INTELLEX Property Co., Ltd.; FLIE Co., Ltd.; TEI Japan Co., Ltd.; RECOSYS Inc.
  3. Purpose of Sharing:
    Limited to fulfilling the objectives described in section 2. "Purposes of Using Personal Information".
  4. Responsible Party for Information Sharing:
    INTELLEX Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Manager, Business Management Department Manager

7. Ability to Opt-Out

The Company respects clients' decisions regarding the sharing of personal information. However, it is important to note that opting out may carry risks as it could affect the completion of administrative processes related to the client's contract.

8.Retention and Disposal of Personal Information

The Company adheres to statutory requirements regarding the retention of personal information. Once the required retention period elapses, it ensures the secure disposal of the client's data.

9. Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information

When an individual requests the Company for information regarding their personal information, this is called a "Request for Disclosure". This encompasses actions such as notification, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties, halting provisions to third parties, recording of provision to third parties, or other data disclosures (collectively, "Disclosure") made in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act") and JIS Q 15001:2017 "Personal information protection management systems – Requirements".

The personal information subject to disclosure generally includes the details mentioned in the above section 2. "Purposes of Using Personal Information" or any other personal information that the Company is authorized to disclose.

  1. Point of Contact for Information Disclosure Requests
    To request disclosure or any other action regarding retained personal information, please contact the Company's Personal Information Desk directly. The below items (2 to (5 outline the procedures for making such requests.
  2. Documents Required for Disclosure Requests.
    For actions such as disclosure, notification of purposes of use, correction, addition, deletion of retained personal information, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties, please complete the necessary information in the "Personal Information Disclosure Request Form" (Japanese only) and submit it by mail to the Company's personal information desk. The Request Form can be obtained via the above link.
  3. Fee for Information Disclosure Requests and Notification of Purposes of Use
    A fee of 1,200 yen (including consumption tax) shall be charged per information disclosure request and notification of purposes of use of retained personal information. Please ensure to enclose 1,200 yen worth of stamps or a postal money order when sending the request form.
    Postal money orders (yūbin teigaku kogawase; available at Japanese post offices) are accepted. Fees associated with obtaining them are the customer's responsibility.
  4. Persons eligible to make requests for disclosure.
    Those eligible to make request information disclosure are:
    1. The individual concerned (the individual identified by the personal information subject to disclosure)
    2. Their proxy (an individual entrusted by the individual identified by the personal information subject to disclosure or their legal representative like a legal guardian)
  5. Documents Required for Identity Verification
    When making requests for information disclosure, the requester shall provide documents to verify their identity as either individual concerned or as a proxy, e.g., a power of attorney.
    1. Individuals requesting disclosure are asked to attach one of the following:
      1. One copy of the individual's driver's license, passport, or residence card
      2. One copy of the resident certificate (jūminhyo; issued within the last three months); along with a copy of either of the below: the individual's health insurance card, their certificate for a (Japanese) national qualification, their student ID, or student handbook:
      totaling two documents.
    2. If the requester is a proxy:
    Along with the documents listed in above (5.1) "Individuals requesting disclosure are asked to attach one of the following" under (5.1.a and (5.1.b, please also provide a power of attorney signed by the individual concerned.
    (Please affix the seal of the concerned individual on the power of attorney and attach a copy of their seal registration certificate. If the proxy is a legal representative such as a legal guardian, please submit a document that demonstrates the relationship with the individual concerned.)
    Additionally, if the proxy is a qualified professional such as a lawyer, please provide their occupation name and registration number.

10. Other

In order to further improve the Company's efforts in personal information protection, or to comply with changes in laws or other regulations, the Company's policies on personal information protection, disclosure procedures, etc., may be subject to change without prior notice.

11. Complaints, Consultations, and Inquiries regarding Personal Information Protection

Questions, complaints, doubts, or any other inquiries about the Company's efforts in personal information protection shall be directed to the Company's "Personal Information Desk."

Personal Information Disclosure Request Form (Japanese only)

INTELLEX, Co., Ltd, Personal Information Desk:
150-0002, 11F, Totate International Building, 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
TEL : 03-5766-7639 (weekdays 9:30-18:30, Japanese language only) FAX : 03-5766-7679
E-MAIL : privacy@intellex.co.jp
Please click here for Inquiries to the Personal Information Desk.

12. Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization

Name of The Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization and Contact for Complaint Resolution

Name of the accredited personal information protection organization: Japan Institute Users Association of Information Systems (JUAS)
Contact for Complaint Resolution: Complaints and Consultations Office, Certified Personal Information Protection Organization Secretariat
Address: 8F Nihonbashi Horidomecho Nichome Bldg., 2-4-3 Nihonbashi Horidomecho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to
Hours: 10am to 4pm (closed on weekends and national holidays)
TEL : 03-3249-4104 (Japanese language only)
Please note that JUAS is not a contact point for the Intellex' group's products and services.
Established March 26th, 2019.
Revised October 27th, 2023.

The below content is the privacy policy of Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd., an Intellex Group subsidiary:

INTELLEX Space Plan Co., Ltd.

Handling of Personal Information

Safeguarding its customers' privacy, including their personal information, is of paramount importance at Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd.

Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd committed to handling personal information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Its approach is outline as follows:

Privacy Policy

Recognizing the importance of protecting personal data and upholding its social responsibility to manage it appropriately, Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd established the following privacy policy and is committed to adhering to it:

1. Basic Policy

Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd upholds and complies with all legal regulations and societal standards governing the protection of personal information. Its commitment is to handle and protect personal information with the utmost care and responsibility.

2. Acquisition, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal Information collected by Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd is obtained through appropriate channels. The Company ensures transparency by disclosing, notifying, and specifying the purposes for its use. It respects individual's rights and does not utilize personal information beyond the stated purposes without their consent.

Additionally, when sharing or disclosing personal information to third parties, Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd strictly adheres to the procedures prescribed by law.

3. Purposes of Using Personal Information

Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd collects information serves for specific purposes, which include the below:

INTELLEX Space Plan Co., Ltd.

Information Used: Name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address, occupation, and other relevant information about contractees.

  1. Fulfillment of Contracts: This includes but is not restricted to activities related to architectural construction design, planning, execution, supervision, and the providing related information and services.
  2. Provision of Housing History Information.
  3. Facilitation of Renovation Construction: The Company offers information related to renovation construction for housing, housing equipment, and other lifestyle-related products and services.
  4. Entrustment for Purpose Fulfillment: Within the necessary scope, personal information may be entrusted to others for achieving the aforementioned purposes (1) to (3):
    • Subcontractors, architectural offices, and housing performance inspection agencies necessary for architectural construction.
    • Suppliers of goods, etc., necessary for architectural construction.
    • Management companies overseeing real estate management, management associations, etc.
    • Business partners engaged in renovation construction for housing, housing equipment, and other lifestyle-related products and services.
    • Agencies providing housing history information service, renovation business association, etc.
  5. This includes sales activities and marketing (requests for surveys, etc.) activities, such as postal mail, telephone, email, for providing products, information, and services related to the previously mentioned purposes (1 to (3). It also involves customer trend analysis and research analysis for product development.

Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd respects individuals' requests to cease providing information and services upon request.

Sharing of Information within the Intellex Group:
Personal information may be shared within the Intellex Group to enhance service provision.

4. Provision to Third Parties

Except in the following circumstances, Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd will not provide personal information to third parties, without the prior consent of the individual:

  1. When explicit consent is obtained from the individual.
  2. When mandated by law.
  3. When there is a need to protect the life, body, or property of a personal and it would be difficult to obtain the relevant individual's consent.
  4. When there is a particular need to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it would be difficult to obtain relevant individual's consent.
  5. When it is necessary to cooperate with a government organization, local government body or their authorized representative to perform duties prescribed by laws and regulations and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the relevant person would interfere with the performance of such duties.
  6. Personal information held by Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd may be shared with third parties within the necessary scope to achieve the stated purposes of use. This sharing depends on the purpose and aims to accomplish the stated purposes.

5. Security Management Measures for Personal Information

Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd meticulously manages personal information to prevent unauthorized access, loss, tampering or leakage. The Company implements necessary and appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of personal information.

6. Handling Personal Information by Outsourcing

In certain cases, Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd may entrust the handling of personal information to external parties. When doing so, the Company ensures that these entities that have implemented adequate measures to protect personal information. Moreover, Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd conducts thorough and ongoing supervision to ensure compliance with established security standards.

7. Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, etc., of Personal Information

At the request of individuals, Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd promptly ceases providing information and services. Additionally, upon request, it suspends the provision of personal information to third parties within the necessary scope to fulfill the purpose of use. Requests regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., of personal information held by Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd are promptly addressed through established procedures.

8. Revision of this Policy

This policy undergoes periodic reviews and revision to ensure compliance with legal requirements and to further enhance the protection of personal information.

9. Contact Point for Inquiries regarding Personal Information

For inquiries, opinions or questions concerning this policy and the management of personal information by Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd, please reach out to the following contact point:

Contact Point:

Inquiries regarding the privacy policy are accepted at the following contact point of Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd.

INTELLEX Space Plan Co., Ltd.

1-1-10 Takaban, Meguro-ku, Tokyo-to
Contact Point regarding the privacy policy:
TEL : 03-5773-3927 (Japanese only) FAX : 03-5773-3926
Questions regarding the handling of personal information can be sent in via this enquiry form.
Additionally, for matters related to the disclosure, correction, or suspension of personal information usage, please contact Intellex Space Plan Co., Ltd here.

For information on the management of personal information by other Intellex Group subsidiaries, i.e. RECOSYS Inc.; FLIE Co., Ltd.; TEI Japan Co., Ltd.; INTELLEX Property Co., Ltd, Saisei Jutaku Partners Co., Ltd. (Japanese only); please refer to their respective websites.


  • Please note that your use of the Intellex Co., Ltd. website implies your acceptance of the following terms.
  • While Intellex Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries ("the Intellex Group") make every effort to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on its website, the Intellex Group cannot guarantee that the information available on or through the site is accurate, or useful. Accordingly, the Intellex Group disclaims any legal liabilities or obligations arising from your reliance on the information presented herein.
  • The Intellex Group shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of information (including data) obtained from this website. Furthermore, the Intellex Group shall not be held liable for any consequential damages, including but not limited to direct or indirect damages, or loss of profits, arising from the utilization of information sourced from this site.
  • The Intellex Group shall not bear any responsibility for the content of external websites linked to or from this website, or other independently operated websites, nor shall the Intellex Group be held liable for the protection of customers' personal information on such external sites.
  • The Intellex Group reserves the right to modify or remove content from this website without prior notification.
  • Additionally, communication limitations or other factors, such as users' computer environments, may affect the normal functioning of this website.

Intellectual Property Rights

The intellectual property rights concerning the texts, graphics, designs, trademarks, and logos posted on this website belong to the Intellex Group or the right holders who have granted the Intellex Group permission to use this information. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Operating Environment

This website has been maximized for operation in the following environment:

For desktop devices:
Operating System: Windows 10, Mac OS 10 or later
Web Browsers: Latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari

Note: Please note that this website does not support Internet Explorer.

For smartphones:
iOS 11 or later with the latest version of Safari or Google Chrome
Android 7.0 or later with the latest version of Google Chrome

Note: Viewing the website in environments other than the ones above may result in display issues with the content.


The Intellex Co. Ltd. website relies on JavaScript. If JavaScript is not supported or disabled, pages may not display as expected. To ensure optimal browsing, please enable JavaScript when using the Group's site. (JavaScript is typically enabled by default in most browsers.)

Note: Despite meeting the conditions above, there may still be instances where the website cannot be accessed properly due to individual machine environments. The Intellex Group appreciates your understanding.

SSL Encrypted Communication

This website uses industry standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect clients' personal information during transmission. Please note that depending on the user's environment (browser settings, network configuration), SSL encrypted communication may not be available.

Access Logs

The Intellex Co. Ltd website records user information in form of an access log. This access log typically includes the visitor's IP address, browser type, domain name, access time, access frequency, and other related data. The access log shall be used for maintenance, operation, statistical analysis of usage patterns, and for reference in content improvement of this website.


This website uses cookies for enhancing service quality, gathering statistical data, and for other purposes. Cookies are small data files sent from servers to user's computers or devices when the user visits a website. Cookies are employed to improve services and enhance the website's usability. Information about the pages viewed by users, collected through cookies, may be combined with personally identifiable information, and utilized for user identification purposes. Additionally, this website may use third-party cookies to enhance advertising systems and recommendation services offered by entities, including but not limited to Google LLC, Yahoo Japan Corporation, Meta Platforms, Inc., and LINE Corporation. Users can choose to accept or decline cookies by configuring their browser settings to display a warning upon receiving cookies. However, it is important to note that rejecting cookies may limit access to certain services on this website. Moreover, depending on the user's environment (browser settings, internet connection), it may not be possible to reject cookies.

Behavioral Targeting Advertising Using Cookies

About Behavioral Targeting Advertising:

This website engages with advertising distribution service provider for behavioral targeting advertising services. This involves supplying these providers with users' behavioral history information (including accessed URLs, content, referral order, etc.) and attribute information (such as age, gender, occupation, residential area), within a scope that does not identify individuals.
If you prefer to opt-out of behavioral targeted advertising and cease providing behavioral history information, please visit the opt-out settings page of each advertising distribution service provider listed below and follow the described procedure.

Please note that it may take some time for these settings to be reflected in the system. Once the settings are reflected, advertisements not based on behavioral targeting will be displayed.

Opt-out of Behavioral Targeting Advertisements Delivery and Cease of Providing Behavioral History Information.

(Japanese language links only) 

Web Beacons

Web beacons, also referred to as clear GIFs, are small graphic images embedded in web pages or HTML-formatted emails. This website might combine the browsing data collected through web beacons with personally identifiable information to enhance user experience. This data will be utilized to provide more accurate and personalized content to users, improve service quality, and gather statistical insights.

Individual URLs

Certain informational emails sent to users may include URLs with encrypted parameters designed to identify the user, known as individual URLs. The Intellex Co, Ltd website may collect users' browsing information related to user's interaction with the website using individual URLs and treat it as user information. This data will be utilized to provide more accurate and personalized content to users, improve service quality, and gather statistical insights.

Links to Other Sites

Intellex Co, Ltd bears no responsibility for the management of information or personal data on sites linked from this website (including banner advertisements and links provided within content). Further, when navigating from this site to another, we advise reviewing the privacy policy of each linked site.

Disclosure Criteria

To maintain transparency and bolster investor confidence, the Intellex Group rigorously adheres to strict criteria for disclosing crucial information. This includes decisions, events, or details related to account settlements that could impact investment decisions. The Intellex Group's disclosure practices are governed by the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and the Securities and Exchange Law, ensuring consistency and reliability in its communication with stakeholders.

Furthermore, as part of the Intellex Group's unwavering commitment, it adopts a proactive stance in disclosing information beyond the scope of the aforementioned regulations. This proactive disclosure is facilitated through appropriate channels, prioritizing fairness, and accessibility, to effectively cater to its investors' requirements. Timely and widespread dissemination of such information remains paramount, and the Group remains committed to accomplishing this objective through various and appropriate means.

Disclosure Methods

When disclosing significant information covered by the TSE's Rules on Timely Disclosure, the Group adheres strictly to these rules. Information that falls under these rules is registered and disseminated via TDnet, the TSE's Timely Disclosure network system. After registration, the Group promptly distributes the same information to the media and publishes it on its Group website.

Additionally, for information not mandated by the timely disclosure rules, the Intellex Group endeavors, through its Group website and the media, to ensure that the relevant information is released as fairly and promptly as possible.

The Group's Website

The Group's website serves as an accessible platform for individuals seeking information about the Group online. The Intellex Group prioritizes transparent communication by promptly sharing relevant information once it has been made public, although occasional delays may arise due to technical issues or other factors. Therefore, the Group may ask you to regard the information on its website as supplementary.

Additionally, please be aware that while the Intellex Group endeavors to offer comprehensive online information, updates may not always be immediately available on the Group's website, and there may be differences in wording compared to other communication channels.


The company information disclosed by the Group regarding its forecasts, reflects the prevailing economic, social, and contextual conditions recognized at the time of disclosure, along with assessments and decisions made by the Group's management team.

However, it is impreative to recognize that these projections may be subject to change without prior notice, influenced by changes in the business landscape. Hence, when evaluating aspects such as the Group's performance, it is advisable not to rely entirely on this information. The Intellex Group advises exercising individual discretion when making investment decisions.

Quiet Period

To safeguard against premature closure of information pertaining to the announcement of quarterly account settlements, the Intellex Group observes a Quiet Period of approximately four weeks preceding the announcement. Throughout this period, the Group refrains from providing comments on the accounts or responding to interviews regarding financial results and earnings forecasts. However, should the Intellex Group identify significant deviations from its projections during the Quiet Period, the Group will promptly disclose the relevant information in accordance with the timely disclosure rules.